What is Natural Farming?

Natural Farming teaches how to manage any size farm without the use of chemicals. Han Kyu Cho is the father of natural farming. He made it his life’s work to create naturl farming methods that use indigenous microorganisms (Imos).

Natural Farming uses natural materials instead of chemicals as its unique inputs. Materials are locally available and cheap, and the farming inputs are made by the farmers instead of being purchased from the market; thus lowering cost for the farmers and converting waste into resources. It does not use herbicide, pesticide, antibiotic, hormones or other artificial chemicals. It also does not till the land with machines. Natural Farming is practiced in over twenty countries, recognized of its strength to produce more at less cost. Being “farmer-friendly,” it is also being used as a tool to improve the living of the poor farmers in the world.”

-By Cho Han Kyu

Benefits of Natural Farming

  • Safe, cheap and easy to make and very effective. It strengthens the crops with out being affected from all kinds of weather.
  • Nurtures and strengthens the crop in a natural way.
  • Soil clusters that are lumped in aggregates are fostered, which will provide air and good water drainage, a good habitat for microorganisms and other soil biota.
  • Holds moisture, provides good habitat for microorganisms and prevents soil erosion. Using natural inputs helps dwarf the weeds.
  • All wastes are recycled and made use of for cost-cutting techniques. The livestock housing itself is a waste treatment facility, fertilizer producer and feed mixer.
  • More yield because it emphasizes on formless nutrients such as sunlight and air.
  • Pest attractants are placed away from the fruits to divert the pests. It is cheaper and it focuses more on co-existence and co-relation with the pests.

Natural Farming Inputs